Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Dear Friend Kaci :)

  Yesterday marked another important day. The birth of my friend Kaci. I've only known her for 2 1/2 years but it feels like SO much more. I feel as if we have been friends for life. The day I we said goodbye before I drove to Colorado Kaci made me a note called "I remember..." of all the fun memories we have had together. I am going to attempt to make the list, without cheating and looking at hers. Our "remembers" will be similar though. :) Here goes....

Dear Kaci,
I remember.....
      *The day we met. I stood in the food line behind you at Christian Challenge. Meghann, a mutual friend of ours, had already introduced herself to you. I decided it was going to be a stretching day. I introduced myself as well. I remember commenting on how you spell your name.
       *I remember when Meghann asked me if I would consider recommending you to my boss. I still didn't know you too well, but you seemed nice enough. So I did!
       *I remember how LONG it took for you to finally get hired at Daddy Cakes. It paid off!!
       *I remember visiting you on your 1st day at Daddy Cakes. I believe it was a Monday... ;)
       *I remember becoming good friends with you that 1st summer that we worked together.
       *I remember all of our wonderful Gilmore Girls marathons with Meghann
       *I remember the day we decided to go to the carnival. We went on our 1st ride. When it was coming to a stop I asked you if it had started raining. You looked over at me and said "I think someone just threw up on you." You tried your best to help me clean it off, ha ha! ;)
        *I remember going to World Cup for free coffee. While talking you randomly decided to drop your cup of coffee on the floor. (I think you fell asleep with your eyes open)
        *I remember the 1st night I was supposed to sleep at the XA house. No one else was going to be there. I didn't want to sleep alone so I stayed at your dorm, instead of driving the 7 minutes to my own house. ;-) Ah independence!!!
       *I remember walking around Washburn with you, lots of times!
       *I remember when you moved into the XA house!!
       *I remember late night hall study parties. Thank you MIS!
       *I remember all of our bathroom conversations and late night halls talks.
       *I remember taking a road trip to good old Chanute, KS with you and Meghann.
       *I remember when Orange Leaf 1st opened & I asked you if you wanted to go check it out but I was totally joking because it was 10:30pm. You got your shoes on and grabbed your purse and I just went to my room and waited to see what you would do. Sorry to disappoint you. ;)
       *I remember all of our late night coffee runs to Billy Vanilly......   
       *I remember putting away boxes at work and they all started falling down on us. We just started laughing!!
       *I remember walking to the gas station late at night to get coffee. We were super tired and kept laughing. You filled up your drink before me. When I was about 3/4 done filling up my drink you asked if I wanted to try your before I picked out my coffee. More laughter...
       *I remember Adam making us yummy German Chocolate frosting shots!!
       *I remember walking to DQ to celebrate finishing classes for the semester!
       *I remember being called your other half. It fits. :)
       *I remember the day when we got revenge on Erin for telling everyone that you got hepatitis from driving over my banana in the parking lot. Attack of the bananas!
       *I remember being each other's dates for our friend's weddings.
       *I remember laughing a lot........your laughter is contagious friend!!
 I love you Kaci!! I'm am SO glad that we became friends when we did. Let's be friends forever!

Happy Birthday Kaci!!

World Cup with Meghann and Kaci - January 2010

Kaci's Birthday - February 2010

Swimming - Summer 2010

Late Night Coffee Run
Valentine's 2011

Spring Break trip to Chanute, KS
Celebrating our FAVORITE...German Choc!! :)

Chelsea's Wedding - Fall 2011

Capturing the beauty of KS - fall 2011

Attack of the Bananas!! ;-)

Rachel's Wedding - January 2012

1 comment:

  1. So that's what you wanted the picture for! ;) This made me smile...and laugh a lot! We have had so many great times together. I love you, my other half and miss you lots. I am so so thankful for your friendship....God knew what he was doing when he brought us together! :) Thanks friend!
