Monday, June 11, 2012

The Great Romancer

   It's been a while since I had one of these posts. A while, yet long overdue. I have had several experiences that have happened lately which have just blown my mind. Jesus = crazy, awesome, incredible, romantic, great just only being to describe Him.
   So, I really like lilacs. A lot. Like seriously. I discovered this spring that right outside of the World Prayer Center, where I spend all of my time, is a big lilac bush. Every day for a month or so I had the privilege of smelling lilacs. It was incredible! Then, they sadly died off. The bush was plain once again.
   However, last weekend I went outside walking around with a group of friends. In the course of an hour and a half I seriously saw 5 or 6 lilac bushes. Some were across the street from where we were so I ran across the street to smell them. Every time I saw one I got SO excited! It was like Jesus was seriously lavishing His love upon me by way of something dear to my heart. Even my friends enjoyed my pure delight in God's gift to me. That's what it was, pure delight. I am pretty sure that because I got so excited about one, God kept showing me more. It made for a pretty incredible day.

My beloved bush


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