Saturday, June 2, 2012

Missions Opportunity

  Several of my friends in DLA have an amazing opportunity to go on a missions trip to Cambodia for two weeks right after we graduate. They are working with Sak Saum and In His Steps Ministries. Sak Saum works with women who have been rescued from sex trafficking and it teaches them how to be free and support themselves financially outside of that. They are also working with orphans in the country of Cambodia and ministering to them. It is an incredible opportunity!
  I am writing this blog post to ask you for help. Each of my friends needs to raise $3500. They are all on their way to raising this money, but they don't have it all. They need help. I just wanted to let you know of their need and ask you to pray. It might seem strange to support one of my friends that you don't know, but I want you to have that opportunity. I went out fundraising with them today and I realized how, when we ask others for help we are actually allowing them the opportunity to minister and be a blessing as well. Pray. Take some time and ask God if it is in His plan for you to help my friends out. If so, please contact me and I'll tell you how you can support them. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this post!

Top Row: Joe (the leader), Joy, Rachelle, Shilo, Austin, and Caleb
Bottom Row: Stacey, Marisela, Christina, and Lindy-Joy

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