Monday, August 5, 2013

I'm Hooked!

  Bag Day Book Sale. Tis such a wonderful day! My sister has been going to the library's sale for several years now and I have somehow always missed out. I finally got to attend this past month. It was sooooo great. Especially for a book lover like me. Reading is such fun. I love to travel. I can't always get in the car or hop on a plane and go somewhere. Some days I simply let books take me places.
  Anywhoo, the bag day book sale is offered at our library. You pay $5 for a paper bag. Then you enter a room FILLED with books. As many books as you can fit in that bag, you can take home. All for $5. I got about 28 books in my bag for a total of 18 cents per book. That's a sweet deal!! I got a few other books as well that my mom and sister generously allowed me space in their bags because they had room.
  Here are a few pictures of my good finds!

These were my why not books. I have a bread machine. I'd love to try out some new recipes!
I like card games, so this book will be fun to check out.

I like classics AND biographies. Therefore I consider these some pretty good finds. Martin Luther and Helen Keller, I look forward to learning more about your lives. :)

I like fiction books. A lot. Here are a few I got!

A few books to challenge me. :)

My best find of the day was The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. My pastor has mentioned this book many times and I have always wanted to read it. I went to a used bookstore in downtown Lawrence and found it for about $7 but I just couldn't buy it. Now I know why. I got it for 18 cents instead. Good things come to those who wait. ;)

If you see one you would like to borrow, just let me know. I won't keep my good finds to myself. Just ask!

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