Monday, October 29, 2012

The Great Romancer

 He's been at it again. Jesus captivates my heart. Daily. ;)
  So, if you didn't know.....I LOVE fall. There are so many reasons why: the leaves change colors, pumpkin everything arrives in stores, I get to wear warm clothes and scarves, apple cider is available, the leaves change colors and the weather tends to stay at this perfect temperature all the time. Did I mention the leaves change colors?  I just love it!
 The other week I drove around town taking pictures of the beautiful fall leaves/trees. It was so wonderful. I was just amazed at the beauty of God. He spoils me every fall. ;) If I had waited a week or so the leaves would have all fallen down and I wouldn't have been able to take any pictures. Also, fall in Kansas is WAY prettier than in Colorado. One thing we have over them. :) So I'm super glad I was here for fall!

"He has made everything beautiful in its time."
-Ecclesiastes 3:11

"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek...
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord." -Psalm 27:4

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
-Proverbs 13:12

"Open up your heart and let me in...
Come away with me, come away with me,
It's never too late, it's not too late for you
I have a plan for you
It's gonna be wild
It's gonna be great
It's gonna be full of me!!!"

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