Friday, July 22, 2011


  Today I have 42 days left until I leave for Colorado. It is SO amazing how time flies!! To say I am getting excited would be an understatement. I am Very excited! I am also trying to stay focused on the time I have left, and enjoy it, rather than simply focusing on my future. I still have 42 days left. That is plenty of time to enjoy the wonderful 100 degree weather Topeka is deciding to keep all the month of July. :) I have time to swim more, enjoy Orange Leaf (it's DElicious!), and work. I have time to hang out with you!
  I want to share something with you. DLA is a very reasonably priced school for the amount of events/activities/classes/missions trips I will be experiencing throughout the year. However, because of the huge time commitment that DLA is, I won't be working. This means this summer has been my time to work, work, and work to save money for Colorado. I need at least $8000. $5900 of it is for the DLA tuition and the other $2100 is for expenses I know I will have throughout the year. I feel that is on the lower end of the estimate.
  God is doing an awesome job of providing for my funds so far. I have $5500 of my tuition money and about $1000 of my extra expenses. As I finish up working at Billy Vanilly Cupcakes I will have my tuition covered, plus a little more of my expenses. However, I still need at least $1000. I am writing this blog to let you know of my need. If you feel that you would like to help support me on my journey to DLA and around the world, that would be AmAzing! You can either give me a one-time donation, or monthly support. If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know! I just ask, before you make your decision, pray and ask God if it is something you should be doing. If it isn't what you should be doing I would still love for you to be praying for me. This next year is going to be a year of being stretched FAR beyond my current comfort zone.
   Thank you SO much for taking the time to read my blog! I love you very much and I am excited to share with you all the awesome things God is doing in my life.

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