Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hello Southwest Publishing!

Today marks an anniversary for me.

Exactly one year ago today I started my job at Southwest Publishing and Mailing Corporation.

This job, like every other job I have had is a God kind of job. He opened the door for me to walk in and He gave me the boldness to continue to go back day after day.

If you follow my blog you'll know that November of 2013 I felt like God was asking me to jump off of the cliff into the great unknown with Him. That specifically meant that I quit my job of five years at Billy Vanilly Cupcakes and took a month to just seek His face and trust Him. I didn't have a job lined up when I left Billy Vanilly. I had an idea of a field I was headed into but that was it.

My last position at Billy Vanilly allowed me to work in the office paying bills and organizing information. I was really enjoying this, especially as I was going to school at the time for a business degree. So when my month of rest was over I applied at a few places. I had never heard of Southwest when I saw the advertisement, but the job description sounded right up my alley. I prayed, got an okay, and then I applied. The next day I got an email from the guy doing the hiring to set up an interview.

Before I began to search for jobs I prayed and asked God for a few specifics in my new job. I wanted to work in an office. I really didn't want to have to wear a uniform (I definitely had to at my previous jobs). I wanted to have weekends off as I had worked pretty much every weekend at my previous jobs. I also asked God to allow me to make the same amount of money that I had made when I left Billy Vanilly. I wasn't too sure if he would answer that one as I would be starting at the bottom of the ladder.

When I went to my interview I told God that it would be a big sign to me if this was the place He wanted me if they would allow me to work more than the sixteen hours they had posted. If they were really strict about the hours it wouldn't work for me.

In my interview I was immediately told that the position could actually be long term rather than a one semester internship. I was also told that I had to at least work sixteen hours, but I would be more than welcome to work more than that if I wanted. After more discussion I felt pretty peaceful when I walked out of the interview. I did my best and God would take care of the rest if that was where He wanted me.

It turns out that God wanted me at Southwest Publishing. He answered every single one of my prayers. I even started at Exactly what I made when I left my last job. He answered more prayers that I can't actually remember right now. He's just good. Sooooo good.

I had a hard time adjusting to life at Southwest Publishing because the environment is night and day different from a cupcake store. On my first day filling out paperwork I heard over the intercom the name of someone that I used to go to church with. I was thrilled when it really turned out to be him, especially because Southwest can be considered a rough place to work and there are not very many people who desire to follow Jesus there. 

Let's just say Southwest was nothing like I expected.At times at the beginning I would walk around the plant and I was just amazed at God's hand at work. I have been through some rather horrible situations in life that I would never wish on anyone else. Because of those a place like Southwest, with a lot of rough characters, especially men, would have terrified me, if it hadn't been for God's healing in my life. This job has been a sign to me that God has healed me. I am not the quiet and terrified girl that I used to be. I am a bold woman of God. I have had incredible opportunities to share my faith with my co-workers. I have opportunities to become friends with people I never would have expected to be friends with. God is incredible.

This job has also been a big part in opening the door for me to enter the field of social work. If I hadn't begun this journey and taken this job I would not be where I am today. God is good. Soooo good. He has blessed me beyond words. Southwest Publishing is a place I never expected to be, yet I love it so much. I wouldn't trade it for anything and I plan to be here a while (if God lets me stay!).

Thank you Jesus for being there to catch me when I jumped off the cliff into the unknown. Your ocean is

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Goooood Year

 Hello friends! It's been a while since I've written on here. About six months to be exact. I've had plenty to talk about, I just haven't been able to write. I just checked and I have about four different blog posts I started and never finished. I'm finishing this one. ;-)

 I love God. I love how He works in my life, even when I don't actually like it. Make sense!? Earlier in the year I made the statement that 2014 was going to be a good year. I didn't know what exactly that was going to entail, I just knew it was going to be big. Oooh boy was it!

I switched jobs in 2014. If you remember from an older post I really felt like God was telling me to quit my job at the cupcake store and jump off of the cliff into the unknown with him. I didn't know what He had next. I just knew I was supposed to jump. It has turned out incredibly in that. I'm going to share specifics about my job at Southwest Publishing later but God blessed me Over and Above what I was expecting, just like He always does. ;-)

I switched majors in 2014. I've been going to school since I started at Washburn for business. My new job, which is in accounting and office work, has helped me to decide that I don't want to remain in this field for a career. After much prayer and counsel I decided to switch to Social Work. It's only been a semester of those classes, but I already believe this is exactly where God wants me. My heart matches up with what Social Work is about. Every day I went to class confirmed this to me. It's been so beautiful! Again, I love how God works. I have two and a half years left of college instead of one year because of this major switch, however I know it will be worth it in the end. My schooling is not on a typical schedule, but when has anything in my life been typical?

I had my first boyfriend AND my first breakup in 2014. It did not go the way I wanted it to at all. I have so much to say about that experience. I've learned so much. It was rough, extremely rough. I was frustrated with God about the whole experience, but He revealed truth to me which has completely changed my perspective. First and foremost it has revealed to me once again how great God's protection is over my life. He has a full-time job watching over me. The biggest thing I could share to something else from this is to watch out for red flags. Do not discard them. Don't freak out about every little thing, but if words and actions do not line up there is most likely a reason for that. Truth and respect are vital in a relationship. If God is speaking, do not discard His words. He speaks in so many different ways and He often uses other people. Listen when that happens. Take it to God, but know that He has placed other people in your life for a reason. We often can't think clearly when we are in certain situations and others can see what we can't see. Relationships are a beautiful thing and the people God has placed in our life are beautiful. Make sure to remember to thank them for the difference they make in your life!! 

I filled out a FAFSA in 2014. That may seem a little small to some, but it was huge for me. It was a letting go of pride for me. I always wanted to finish school debt free, but I became too focused on my own accomplishment in this. I got caught up in what I was doing, not what God was doing. So I felt like God was telling me to let go of some pride and apply for financial aid. I wouldn't have been able to go full-time without it, but I soooo did not want to receive any loans. However, I decided it was time to look into them. As I stepped out in this I found out that I am receiving a Federal Pell Grant. It is for this upcoming semester AND last semester. Since I pay as I go this means that I got a check back in the mail which I can apply to next semester. The amount is enough that I will be going full-time next semester and I still don't have to use any loans. Wow. The deadline for financial aid for the year is February 15th, and I filled this out in November. Wayyy behind schedule. However, God is so incredible and has blessed me financially time and time again. It's amazing really. He blows my mind every day. Every single day.

These are just a few of the things that happened in my life in 2014. The big things. I have so many little things that happened as well. I have a few things that are beginning now or changing for 2015 which I may share in due time. I don't know what the future is, but I know that it is good. Despite the hard, God's plan is good. He has my best in store. My plans include good, which sometimes turn to bad. However God's plan is best. Because He knows all. I only see today, and maybe tomorrow. He sees the whole story. He knows. I can trust in Him. :)

Happy 2015!! I can't wait to see what it holds for me AND for you!!

Thankful for this beautiful family!