I don't need much to make me happy. The right song on the radio at the right time. Beautiful sunrises. Seeing mountains on my way to class. Awesome cloud patterns in the sky. Bright fall colored leaves on trees. A hug from a friend. An intense prayer meeting where God reveals a new aspect of Himself to me. Truth. Freedom from lies that I have believed. New revelation on God's Word that I have read so many times before. Worshipping my lover.
I have realized lately how so many of these instances are God showering His love on me.
Last Thursday my housemate was talking about how excited she was to check the mail that afternoon because she was expecting a package. I was happy she was so excited but told her "I Really wish I would get something in the mail. I've only gotten one letter since being here. And a license. I told my mom she could send me a care package, but I haven't gotten one yet." I left for school before the mail came. Later that afternoon my friend texted me to say I got a package in the mail. Considering how we had JUST had a conversation THAT morning about how much I would love a package I thought she was teasing me. I texted her back to see if she was joking. Nope. ;) It was supposedly a big package!
I got home that evening to receive a wonderful box in the mail from my sister. She got all my family to put stuff together into the package and send it to me. God is SO awesome. He is so perfect in His timing. The very day I said I would love to get something, I got something. The best part, I had NO idea it was coming. Can you say perfect?? :)
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From my famly, Rachael, & God! ;) |
Noticed the rat sticking out of the lunchbag?
'The Mexican' has been returned to me.
Anyone have a clever way I can return it to my sister? ;)
Not just family, I sent things too!!! :) Sorry just had to clear that up :)