These past few weeks have been life changing. God has been speaking identity into my life. I am beginning to feel full of the strength of the Lord. I am beginning to believe God from the bottom of my heart when He tells me that He loves me. I am being vulnerable and He is rewarding me in that.
"When I called, you answered me,
you made me bold and stouthearted."
Psalm 138:3
The WPC (World Prayer Center) where I have class every day has this wonderful opportunity for me. 24/7 prayer. There is a special room, the Furnace Prayer Room, where people gather together and pray at all times. It is So wonderful! There is always someone in the room praying. Except for in the middle of the night there is also a worship leader playing music and singing as the Holy Spirit leads them. I'm going to share a picture of the FPR with you later because as I said already, it is just so wonderful! (Thank you to my housemate Alex Tola for getting me to say the word wonderful all of the time)
Last night was only my second time attending a Wednesday night prayer meeting. It was Wonderful! Actually, wonderful doesn't even begin to describe it. God showed up. Right away. I truly feel that I spent some time at the seat of the Father. While there I asked Him to tell me a story. I asked my Father "What do you love?" The answer He gave me truly moved me. It is something I desire to share with you right now because, well, God loves you and He wants to know it deep down inside of you.
I wish you could close your eyes and let me read this to you. I know this is rather impossible since you have to use your eyes to read. So I ask that as you read this be open to what God is saying to you in this. Believe it. It is truth.
I love to see you smile.
I love to see you step out in faith.
I love to see the dreams I place inside of you grow into fruition.
I love when you choose to sit at my feet.
I love when you open up your heart to me and choose to be vulnerable
-That is when strongholds are broken!
I love when you step out of your comfort zone.
I love when you choose to trust me.
I love when you pick me over others.
I love to hear you pray...I love listening to you.
I love talking to you.
I love when you choose joy.
I love when you serve from your heart.
I love when we meet in our secret place.
I love when you worship me and hold nothing back!
I love when you run to me first.
I love when you let yourself be you.
Do you understand what I am saying to you? I love you. I LOVE you. I LOVE YOU!!