So here I sit, less than 3 months away from a new and exciting adventure. I am moving to Colorado Springs for the year and attending Desperation Leadership Academy (DLA)!!!!! I might just be slightly excited. Now, you are probably wondering what in the world DLA is. I completely understand. Most people give me a blank stare when I tell them where I am going. I am copying the description from the school's website for you to read because I like it. It gets me excited every time I read it.
"DLA is a full-time prayer, discipleship, and leadership training academy. We spend time in prayer, college-level theology classes, and doing hands-on local church ministry training. By focusing everything we are and all that we do on first and foremost the pursuit of Jesus Christ, we hope to produce the leaders of tomorrow that will lead a generation to the heart of God. DLA will equip you with the tools you need to lead in the gifting and area of ministry or business that God is leading you to."
I am spending the next year in pursuit of God. I am SO excited!! I am not working a part-time job while I am here. No work to stress me out!! No Calculus class to steal all of my time! :) I am simply going to devote myself to prayer, worship, and ministry. Along the way I get to have fun and go skiing and camping in Colorado! I am going to be attending Bible classes and serving in several different ministry areas in New Life Community Church. I am going on a missions trip to another country. I am going to travel to cities across the US and minister to people. I am going to pray and worship Jesus like there is no tomorrow, because only God knows if I will be granted a tomorrow.
About two years ago I was up late one night. Extremely late. 4 o'clock in the morning late. I guess you could say I was up early. ;) I have decided it was a God thing that I couldn't sleep that night. My church plays a few worship songs that were written by Desperation Band. I love the songs and decided to look them up on my late night. I found out that Desperation Band is actually the worship team for a huge church in Colorado Springs called New Life Community Church. This church has several different worship/ministry/prayer schools connected to it. I clicked on the link for DLA and immediately fell in love after reading about the school. I literally started crying because it was as if God was showing me my future. As soon as I found out about DLA I knew I would be going. I wasn't sure when, but I knew I was going. God spoke to me and told me I had to reach a certain point in my life before I could go. About a year and a half after I found out about DLA God got my attention again. He told me, "Stefanie, it's time." :) I applied to DLA over Christmas break, had a nerve racking phone interview, and found out I was in! God is so SO very awesome.
I am leaving on September 3rd to start a new journey in my life and I couldn't be more excited!!!!!!